
We invest in what truly matters, ensuring we grow in our relationship with Christ and our parish family. Please see the list below to determine how you can nurture your relationship with Christ.

Altar Servers

Altar servers render faithful, reverent, and meaningful service to God by assisting at the celebration of Holy Mass and other liturgical and devotional functions.

Contact: [email protected]

Anthony's Garden

Anthony's Garden is a community garden where we plant, grow and sow organic vegetables to donate to the local food pantry, helping those in our community who are in need of fresh produce. The garden provides a space where families can gather to spend time together, learn tips on gardening and work together in service to our greater community.

Contact: [email protected]

Art and Environment

The Art and Environment Ministry is responsible for preparing the Church environment for worship in the changing liturgical seasons, through the use of flowers, plants, banners, and wall hangings. Our mission is to maintain the integrity of the Church’s liturgical seasons and to create an atmosphere of welcome and spiritual expression for the honor and glory of God. We work to create a worship space conducive to prayer and centered on the Eucharistic celebration.

Contact: [email protected]

Caregivers Support Group

We are a group of caregivers for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s, mild cognitive impairment, disabilities, or long-term illnesses. Our mission is to provide opportunities in a faith-based community for support and healing in and through our Care-Partner roles.

Contact: [email protected]

Community Festival

Our mission is to create a fun and engaging festival that brings together our church and neighboring communities and celebrates our shared values. We strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that fosters a sense of belonging and encourages people to connect with one another. We are committed to making a positive impact on our community and to creating lasting memories for all who attend.

Contact: [email protected]

Community Services Committee

We are a group of parishioners who support SPSJOA in its mission to assist those in need, by coordinating food and other material collections (such as warm clothing, school supplies, and Christmas gifts). We provide opportunities for parishioners to donate their time and treasure and hope to assist them in developing strong habits of charitable giving that will persist across their lifetimes.

Contact: [email protected]

Divine Mercy Cenacle

Our mission is to grow in our faith and share God's mercy through reading and discussing the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska, along with the Bible and Catechism. Our group strives to grow closer to the Lord by reflecting on the extraordinary message of mercy He shared with Saint Faustina. We encourage one another to show mercy to the world through our actions, words, and prayers.

Contact: [email protected]

English Choir

We are a group of parishioners who enhance the liturgy of the Holy Mass for the congregation and support the celebrant in music. Our mission is to bring our members into a closer relationship with God by allowing expression of their musical talents in service to their parish.

Contact: [email protected]

English Language Learners

Volunteers with the English Language Learners ministry allow the Holy Spirit to work through their hearts and talents to provide adult students the opportunity to learn English, become familiar with our culture (as we too learn about theirs), gain lucrative employment, improve conversation skills and feel accepted in their new home community.

Contact: [email protected]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (AKA, Eucharistic Minsters)

An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a lay person or religious who has been commissioned to assist the priest and deacon in distributing Holy Communion to the faithful. Our mission is to be a prayerful people filled with the desire and commitment to not only be partakers of Christ’s Body and Blood, but to serve at the Lord’s Table by offering the gifts of his Body and Blood to our Church community.

Contact: [email protected]

Family Catechesis

As a Catholic faith community, we will journey from an encounter with the living Christ to a loving relationship with Him, using our unique gifts to be activated disciples, making church matter.

Contact: [email protected]

First Monday Monicas

Monday Monicas is a gathering of mothers and grandmothers who share the heartache of having adult children and/or grandchildren who are away from the Church. Together we find strength and comfort in sharing our stories and draw on the grace of the Sacraments, willing ourselves to practice the theological virtue of HOPE. We attend 8:30am Mass and Rosary on the first Monday of every month.

Contact: [email protected]


Greeters welcome all guests as Christ in a warm and friendly manner. Working closely with the sacristans and ushers, greeters provide assistance, information and direction to St. Joan of Arc facilities and services.

Contact: [email protected]

Homebound Ministry

We serve the spiritual needs of those who are unable to attend mass due to illness or infirmity by bringing them the Holy Eucharist on a regular basis (either in their own homes or at a care facility), and by facilitating the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick.

Contact: [email protected]

Knights of Columbus

Saint Peter Council - 11216 - Our council, and the Knights of Columbus as a whole, help Catholic men to grow in faith, through prayer and service. We aim to serve others and defend your Catholic values through various activities assisting our pastor, our parish, and the surrounding community.

Contact: [email protected]

Saint Joan of Arc Council - 10765 - Our council, and the Knights of Columbus as a whole, help Catholic men to grow in faith, through prayer and service. We aim to serve others and defend our Catholic values through various activities assisting our pastor, our parish, and the surrounding community.

Contact: [email protected]

Knights of Columbus Women's Auxiliary

The Saint Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Women's Auxiliary is a Christ centered ministry dedicated to embodying the core principles of the Knights of Columbus: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. We provide spiritual and material support to women, families, and seniors within our parish and to our wider community. Together we foster a strong sense of sisterhood through friendship and volunteerism.

Contact: [email protected]


A lector is a liturgical minister who is charged with proclaiming the scriptures assigned to a Mass. By proclaiming the Word of the Lord in in a clear and profound way, the lector enables the listener to understand the messages of the sacred scriptures. The goal of the Lector Ministry is to provide dedicated and well-prepared readers of the Word for every Mass offered in our parish.

Contact: [email protected]

Liturgy of the Word with Children

Liturgy of the Word with Children provides an opportunity during Mass for children to hear God's word in a way that they can understand and apply to their daily lives. Liturgy of the Word with Children grounds them in their Catholic faith and provides a sense of belonging to the parish.

Contact: [email protected]

Men's Club

The Men's Club is a Catholic men's social organization that provides for and promotes the social and spiritual needs of its members and offers service to Saint Peter Saint Joan of Arc Parish. This is accomplished by fostering fellowship through social, charitable, service, and spiritual activities.

Contact: [email protected]

Open Shelter Lunch-Making Ministry

We are a group of parishioners who provide sack lunches and comfort twice a month for marginally-housed and homeless people in Central Ohio in conjunction with The Open Shelter. Our mission is to be Christ's hands on earth by serving His people in need.

Contact: [email protected]

Parish Life

To foster traditions and strengthen the Parish through annual social/community activities.

Contact: [email protected]

Parish Vocations Committee

Our mission is to support the families of men and women who are realizing their discernment and to promote religious vocations for men and women in our Parish and in the Diocese of Columbus.

Contact: [email protected]

Play and Pray

Pray and Play, as part of our Family Catechesis program, fosters fellowship and support for caregivers and their children, while leading them to the heart of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.

Contact: [email protected]

Prayer Chain

The Saint Peter’s Prayer Chain is a network of parishioners who offer up prayers on behalf of those who request it. Our mission is to efficiently communicate requests for prayers to members of our faith community.

Contact: [email protected]

Red Cross Bloodmobile

We are a group of parishioners who welcome and serve the Red Cross Bloodmobile by providing the space, manning the donor canteen and helping to recruit donors for upcoming bloodmobiles. This provides our parishioners with the opportunity to serve our community. Since not all donors are members of our church, it is also an opportunity to demonstrate how the Catholic Church reaches out to help those in need.

Contact: [email protected]

Respect Life

Our mission is to promote and defend the Right to Life, from conception until natural death, through education, prayer, service and community involvement.

Contact: [email protected]


The mission of the Sacristan Ministry is to serve God by assisting the clergy and other liturgical ministers in the preparation of liturgical worship, sacramental and spiritual celebrations. Sacristans serve the assembly by preparing all the physical elements needed for the Mass. They prepare the vessels for the Eucharistic Liturgy, put out appropriate quantities of bread and wine, assist the Presider and other ministers in vesting, ensure that the books are properly placed, ensure that there are enough Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers and Altar Servers, and clean the vessels after they have been purified.

Contact: [email protected]

Saint Joan of Arc Bereavement Ministry

The bereavement committee works together to provide a meal for a grieving family after a funeral Mass. We foster community amongst each other and share our time and talents as we create a warm and welcoming environment where grieving family members can connect, share, and support one another while enjoying a delicious meal.

Contact: [email protected]

Saint Joan of Arc Quilt Group

The Saint Joan of Arc Quilters is a social and service group open to all parishioners. Our mission is to create quilts for families in need.

Contact: [email protected]

Saint Peter's Gardeners

We are a group of parishioners who maintain the plants and shrubs in the garden spaces around the church buildings. Our mission is to provide the parish community with a welcoming environment for worship, prayer, and fellowship.

Contact: [email protected]

Saint Peter Lazarus Committee

The mission of the Saint Peter Lazarus Committee is to support its mourning parishioners by providing after-funeral lunches in a convenient and inviting space. The lunch is prepared and served by the committee members, including set-up and clean-up.

Contact: [email protected]

Saint Peter's Men's Spirituality Group

The Men's Spirituality Group exists to foster community prayer among the men of the parish, provide group study of Catholic religious material, provide opportunities for faith sharing, and enhance the development of men's small faith sharing groups. We promote parish life and evangelization by strengthening, boosting, and supporting the faith of parish men.

Contact: [email protected]

Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Saint Peter Conference

The St. Vincent DePaul Society is a group of men and women volunteers who share the compassion and love of Christ by serving our neighbors in need. We are dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing and healing individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. We also provide our volunteers with meaningful opportunities to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion.

Contact: [email protected]

Street Ministry - Heart of St. Teresa

As a ministry, we supply food and necessary supplies, such as clothing, blanket and toiletries to the marginalized population on our streets as Jesus instructed us to do. When these basic needs have been met, we have the opportunity to then evangelize and help our sisters and brothers in Christ realize their value and dignity as children of God.

Contact: [email protected]

St. Teresa's Outreach

St. Teresa's Outreach is a ministry dedicated to helping those in need regardless of faith, background or life circumstances. We coordinate food collections and distributions, as well as sandwhich making and other outreach needs as they are indentified. We also support the Bread Run, Giving Tree, Anthony's Garden and Street Ministry.

Contact: [email protected]

Surviving Divorce

Surviving Divorce provides a support system and hope for individuals who are divorced or in the process of divorcing. Together participants meet with a facilitator to go through the Ascension Press twelve-session study by the same name (Surviving Divorce by Rose Sweet).

Contact: [email protected]

Trail Life Troop OH-1331

Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered, boy-focused scouting and discipleship program. It's an opportunity for our young men to grow in authentic Catholic masculinity, deeply rooted in our faith, sacramental life and a commitment to virtue. Our mission to provide boys with an opportunity to form lasting friendships, develop leadership skills, and strengthen their relationship with Christ.

Contact: [email protected]

Upper Room

Upper Room exists to disciple parishioners into a deeper relationship with God through worship, teachings and prayer. We are a charismatic group that aims to equip believers to discover and use their spiritual gifts (charisms) through the power of the Holy Spirit. We foster a community which allows others to connect through worship, prayer experiences and encountering God's love.

Contact: [email protected]


Ushers assist in various ways to ensure that the Eucharistic Celebration is performed smoothly and reverently. Their duties include assisting in the seating of guests and parishioners, collecting and safeguarding the offertory collection, and organizing the flow of the faith community as they come forward for Communion or other sacraments/events.

Contact: [email protected]

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is a summer faith encounter for the children of St. Peter St. Joan of Arc to grow their relationship with Jesus Christ. This mission is accomplished through Bible stories, crafts, experiments, prayer, worship, small group time and snacks.

Contact: [email protected]

Walking With Purpose

Walking with Purpose is a parish-based Bible Study for women. All women regardless of faith background, age, or marital status are welcomed. All of the studies present practical teachings consistent with Church doctrine and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The program helps women grow in their relationship with Jesus as they discover the truths found in Scripture to live joy-filled lives.

Contact: [email protected]

Women's Club

The Women's Club is a social, service, and philanthropic faith-based organization that strives to deepen our faith and commitment to our church and community. The Women’s Club performs service to the Parish and to the community while enriching its members through faith-sharing activities and education. Through its fundraising efforts, the Women’s Club financially supports programs, needy families, and individuals as identified by the Parish.

Contact: [email protected]

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry is a community of people who live the Kingdom of God here and now through the presence of God within us. This is accomplished through fellowship, games, talks, prayer, worship, and small group discussions.

Contact: [email protected]

Young at Heart

Young at Heart provides seniors an opportunity for connectivity, fellowship, socialization, and faith-based activities. Together, through prayer, social activities, and fellowship, we seek to celebrate the wisdom, dignity, and contributions of our seniors, enriching both their lives and the life of our parish community.

Contact: [email protected]

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